About Marianne

With a dual career as a fine arts sculptor and painter, she grew up in Europe, with the most time in Greece and Spain. She is also trilingual. These experiences influence how she perceives the healing process and the language of pain.

There is Help.


Marianne has been doing somatic healing since childhood. She started by helping her mother who suffered from chronic pain through energetic touch and massage. In 1994 she earned certification as a clinical sports massage therapist and developed her skills as a pain management specialist. People would turn to her when all other methods fell short. 

Approach & Philosophy

Psycho-emotive Anatomy (P-e A) theory grew out of years of client care and is designed to help people help themselves. Marianne noticed patterns of pain and mentioned the correlations to daily living. When she mentions the correlation to clients when accurate, the pain goes away. For example, right knee pain is commonly associated with a betrayal from a feminine figure. The body is talking through pain and sensations constantly. Marianne serves as the translator and helps the client understand how to hear the body and react in ways that give relief.